Rabu, 28 Mei 2014

Adjective Clause

Pengertian Adjective Clause

Adjective clause atau relative clause adalah dependent clause yang berfungsi sebagai adjective dan menjelaskan tentang noun atau pronoun pada main clause dari suatu complex sentence (kalimat yang terdiri dari independent clause dan satu atau lebih dependent clause).

Contoh Adjective clause pada Complex sentence (kalimat kompleks):

“The movie that we saw last night wasn’t very good”.

The movie           = Noun (kata benda).
That                    = Relative Pronoun.
That we saw       = Adjective Clause yang menjelaskan the movie.

Contoh Adjective clause dengan mengguanakan Relative Pronoun :

1.        Who
I thanked the woman who helped me
Artinya: Saya berterima kasih kepada wanita yang menolong saya
2.       Whom
The man whom I saw was Mr. Rochman
Artinya: Pria yang saya lihat adalah tuan Rochman
3.       Whose
I know the man whose bicycle was stolen
Artinya: Saya kenal dengan pria yang sepedanya dicuri
4.       Which
The cats which eat fish are very cute
Artinya: Kucing kucing yang memakan ikan itu sangat lucu
5.       Where
The building where he lives is very old
Artinya: Bangunan dimana dia tinggal sangatlah tua
6.       When
I’ll never forget the day when I met you
Artinya: Saya tidak akan pernah melupakan hari ketika saya bertemu dengan kamu
7.       That
This is the car that I have showed to my father
Artinya: Ini adalah mobil yang telah saya tunjukkan kepada ayah saya

Contoh Adjective clauses dengan subordinate conjunctions: “where” dan “when
The building is very old.
He lives in that building (there).

1. The building where he lives is very old.
2. The building in which he lives is very old.
3. The building which he lives in is very old.

Artinya: Bangunan dimana dia tinggal sangat tua
I’ll never forget the day.
I met you (on that day).

I’ll never forget the day when I met you.
I’ll never forget the day that I met you.

Artinya: Saya tidak akan pernah melupakan hari ketika saya bertemu dengan kamu

Senin, 26 Mei 2014




1.            The boy is frolicking in the noonday sun
( Anak itu bermain-main di tengah terik matahari )
2.            The boy is running through the water.
( Anak itu berlari melewati genangan air )
3.            The boy is looking at a girl down the way.
( Anak itu melihat seorang gadis turun ke jalan )
To be parallel, then the merger into the following:
The boy is frolicking in the noonday sun, running through the water, and looking at a girl down the way.
( Anak itu berman-main di tengah terik matahari, berlarian melewati air, dan melihat seorang gadis turun ke jalan. )

Note the endings of words used in each phrase:
1.  frolicking ( bermain-main )
2.  running ( berlari )
3.  looking at ( melihat )
No suffix-ing which signifies the gerund.

From this we can conclude, that the parallelism necessary to perform equalization kind words. If-ing or gerund, then everything is equal-ing or gerund alone.
Take another example:
The prodigal wants to dance in the moonlight, party all night long, and find his way home.
( si pemboros ingin berdansa di bawah terang bulan, berpesta sepanjang malam, dan menemukan jalan pulang ke rumah)
The above sentence is composed of three phrases:
1.            The prodigal wants to dance in the moonlight.
 ( si pemboros ingin berdansa di bawah bulan )
2.            The prodigal wants to party all night long.
( si pemboros ingin berpesta sepanjang malam )
3.            The prodigal wants to find his way home.
( si pemboros ingin menemukan jalan ke rumah )
From this example, which needs to be considered is the alignment. Ie parallel to the use of verbs. If one begins with the use of the verb phrase, then the other phrase begins with the use of verbs as well:
1.       Dance
2.       Party
3.       Find


Indonesia Economic History of Soekarno to Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

Indonesian Economic History of Soekarno To SBY

Since the founding of the Republic of Indonesia, many significant figures when the state has formulated a precise form of economy for Indonesia, either individually or in group discussions. But the old order of government is still not able to improve the economic situation of the Republic of Indonesia were deteriorating.

1. The Old Order
Financial state of the economy in the early days of independence is very bad, which is caused by:
a. Inflation is very high, due to the release of more than one currency in an uncontrolled manner, namely De Javasche bank currency, the currency of the Dutch East Indies government, and the Japanese occupation currency.
b. The existence of economic blockade by the Netherlands since November 1945 to close the door Indonesian foreign trade.
c. Empty state coffers and massive exploitation during the colonial period

2. New Order
New Order is a term for the administration of President Suharto in Indonesia. New Order replaces the Old Order refers to the era of Sukarno. New Order lasted from 1968 to 1998. Within that period, Indonesia's economy is growing rapidly, although it is accompanied by rampant corruption in the country. In addition, the gap between rich and poor people also widened.

During the New Order, Indonesia carry out development in various aspects of life. The goal is the creation of a just and prosperous society are equally material and spiritual based on Pancasila. Implementation of development rests on the Development Trilogy, whose contents include the following.

 1. Equitable development and results towards social justice for all Indonesian people.
2. Relatively high economic growth.
3. Stability national healthy and dynamic.

 3. Reform
On May 21, 1998 President Suharto resigned as president and handed RI office to the vice president BJ Habibie. This event marked the end of the New Order and the Order of the commencement of the Reformation.
The period was marked by the start of the Habibie government cooperation with the International Monetary Fund to help in the economic recovery process.

When Habibie, Suharto as president replacing dated May 21, 1998, there are five biggest issues that must be faced, namely:
a. future reforms;
b. the future of the Armed Forces;
c. future areas who want to secede from Indonesia;
d. future Suharto, his family, his wealth and his cronies; and
e. the future of the economy and people's welfare.

 4 . The Government of Indonesia United Volume IUnited Indonesia Cabinet ( English : United Indonesia Cabinet ) is the Indonesian government cabinet of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Vice President Jusuf Kalla .In this period , the government implemented several new programs that are intended to help the economy of small communities including direct cash assistance ( BLT ) , PNPM Mandiri and medical treatment. In practice , these programs run in accordance with the targeted though there are still many shortcomings here and there.
5 . Pemerinthan Indonesia Unite Part IIUnited Indonesia Cabinet II ( UK : Second United Indonesia Cabinet ) is the Indonesian government cabinet of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Vice President Boediono . This cabinet comes from the proposed political party proposing SBY -Boediono on the 2009 Presidential election is getting a seat in the House of Representatives ( Democratic Party , PKS , PAN , PPP , and PKB ) plus the Golkar Party , who joined later, the campaign team of SBY- Boediono on the 2009 Presidential Election , as well as professionals .

In this period, the government, especially through Bank Indonesia established four policies to boost national economic growth, namely:
1. The BI rate
2. Exchange rate
3. Operation monetary
4. Macroprudential policies for macro-prudential liquidity management and capital flows.
With the above economic policies, the government is expected to increase the country's economic growth will also affect the growing prosperity of the Indonesian people.
